Challenge of the Mind due dates
It is not possible to complete all of the work necessary for Challenge of the Mind during class.
You must also work on the written elements at home. I'm available after school almost every day.
All assignments are due at the beginning of the class.
Sources and Notes
Nov 2
Source One with correct bibliographic information at the top and a minimum of four notes with citations.
Nov 16
Source Two and Three with correct bibliographic information at the top and a minimum of four notes with citations.
Nov 4
Source Four correct bibliographic information at the top and a minimum of four notes with citations.
Refer to your outline. You can submit the sections in any order.
Your class time will be split between writing your paper and working on your papier-mâché
Jan 11
One of your sections (any section) is due with Works Cited. It must contain in-text documentation that refers to more than one of your sources.
Jan 18
A second section is due with corrections to your first section.
Jan 24
A 3rd section is due. This will be a major grade.
Jan 31
Encounters Field Trip
Feb 2
4th section is due.
Feb 8
5th section is due.
Feb 12
The ENTIRE paper with works cited is due. This will be a major grade.
Additional Elements
Now that the paper is finished, your time will be divided between
ThinkCERCA, the additional elements, and the papier-mâché.
Feb 22
Research Poem and Word Art due
Feb 26
Updated autobiography and bio poem due
Apr 5
Cars and masks are due
May 8
Challenge of the Mind