Here is what the whole research project should look like.
2024 Version of JUST the paper
One of your classmates shared this site for making "word clouds";
it's FAR superior to the ABCya website.
When you go to the site, look under the gray bar that says "words" to the left and click 'import'. Paste the text of your paper here then play around until the "Word Art" is to your liking.
And don't forget Mr. Skipper dot Com/ Research for more help.
Taking notes: There are many methods for note-taking. In the future, your teachers won't care how you take notes, just that you do take notes. Some teachers will require you to use notecards. The previous link and this one give a good explanation of the process.
My goal is to make sure you're writing good summaries and paraphrase (and using quotes) and NOT just taking a source passage and changing a few words. Here's a six-page explanation. This PowerPoint/pdf gives a quick explanation.
To achieve that goal, you're going to copy your sources into a Google doc and use its comment function to record your notes, summaries, paraphrases, and quotations.
Encounters 6
4 pages (1,000 words)
The Middle Ages
- The Feudal System
- Two more from here
Elements in Order
1. Middle Ages Collage/
Cover Page* Examples
2. Student Biography (example)
- 200-300 words (30 pts)
- Grammar (10 pts)
- Voice (10 pts)
- 3rd person POV (10 pts)
I. Personal History (10 pts)
II. Hobbies, Talents, etc (10 pts)
III. Accomplishments (10 pts)
IV. Goals (10 pts)
3. Personal Collage* Examples
4. College Collage*
5. The Paper
Sub-Topic #1: Feudalism
Sub-Topic #2: Choose here.
Sub-Topic #3: Choose here.
6. Bio Poem: Example and Design
7. Research Poem (guidelines)
8. Shield: Examples
9. Diorama (rubric)
*PowerPoint is normally in landscape/ horizontal format. Use these directions to change it to portrait/ vertical. When you are finished, save it as a JPEG file.
Open PowerPoint > Design > Slide Size (far right) > Custom Slide Size > Orientation > Portrait > Width 8.5 > Height 11 > Ensure Fit > OK
In Google slides, the same thing can be achieved:
File > Page Setup > Custom > 8x10
Encounters 7
5 pages (1,250 words)
Companies named after
their founder
Consult Wikipedia's outline
for ideas.
Elements in Order
1. Word Art Cover Page*
Use this site to create your
"word cloud"; When you go
to the site, look under the
gray bar that says "words"
to the left and click 'import'.
Paste the text of your paper
here then play around until
the "Word Art" is to your
2. Student Biography (example)
- 200-300 words (30 pts)
- Grammar (10 pts)
- Voice (10 pts)
- 3rd person POV (10 pts)
I. Personal History (10 pts)
II. Hobbies, Talents, etc (10 pts)
III. Accomplishments (10 pts)
IV. Goals (10 pts)
3. The Paper
Body Paragraphs
4. Bio Poem: Example and Design
5. Research Poem (guidelines)
6. Art Car
Encounters 8
5 pages (1,250 words)
Endangered Animals
Consult Wikipedia's outline
for ideas and
Physical Characteristics
Conservation Efforts/ Status
Elements in Order
1. Word Art Cover Page*
Use this site to create your
"word cloud"; When you go
to the site, look under the
gray bar that says "words"
to the left and click 'import'.
Paste the text of your paper
here then play around until
the "Word Art" is to your
2. Student Biography (example)
- 200-300 words (30 pts)
- Grammar (10 pts)
- Voice (10 pts)
- 3rd person POV (10 pts)
I. Personal History (10 pts)
II. Hobbies, Talents, etc (10 pts)
III. Accomplishments (10 pts)
IV. Goals (10 pts)
3. The Paper
Body Paragraphs
4. Bio Poem: Example and Design
5. Research Poem (guidelines)
6. Mask